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About Myself

How I knew I wanted to be involved in the industry 

I remember the first ever time I played a video game, it was Nightmare Creatures on the ps1 I remember saying to my brother look how realistic it was, it was such fascinating game to play. What I basically loved about it was playing as these servants of god killing all of these strange looking monsters, it’s one of the best games I have ever played, then there was a release of the second game and it freaked me the hell out all of the monsters was changed, they made them more scarier, the game made me cry and I begged my mom to take it back to the shops!


I brought it recently and I can’t get past the first level it’s just too hard!

This is the game that made me want to be in the computer game industry.  

​​My University

I really enjoy what I do at university, I love learning about something I am interested in, the students there are fantastic people I’ve learned a lot from them. Within the course we are given different modules where we focus on certain aspects of games design such as sound, gameplay, level design etc. It was at this point I learned texturing and I love it.  

​What am I doing now 

Well now I have finished the second year of my university, I am working hard to improve my skills, and creating textures for a variety of customers.


My Work

I work on lots of different varieties of textures from cartoon style to realistic but my favourite type of style is pixel art, I really have a great love and passion for it. I also enjoy Uv mapping, it’s nice when you look at a wire frame add colour and detail to it and with hard work and time you have a fantastic texture I really find it interesting, and I love what I do I am a very passionate about the work I do.

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